Trust the Process

Perched at an altitude of 1200 – 1400 meters, Tat Tvam Asi farm spreads across a steep valley in the Baba Budangiri hills of Chikmagalur. Receiving the mild morning sun and 300 centimeters of rain, the coffee plants sit in the comforting shade from native jungle trees. They enjoy cool weather throughout the year, and heavy mist takes residence during the monsoons. All of this births some of the finest

Natural Farming
Swimming against the current of convention, Natural Farming is practiced in one of the wettest, toughest places to do so, at Tat Tvam Asi. The terrain is steep, and the rainy season unforgiving. Credit goes to Vishal’s vision and devotion to the path of permaculture. Dung and urine from native Malnad cows is used for fertigation thru the drip network. Rabbits, chicken, ducks, dogs, a variety of life adorn the farm. Natural movement and sound are perennial, like the stream that drives the micro-hydroelectric plant.

Post-Harvest Processing
Rigorous sorting of unripe and over-ripe cherries forms the starting point. Coffee is pulped fresh and under the watch of Jaideep, whose processing expertise is on display daily thru the harvest season. Extraordinary care is given to the drying process, done under partial shade. Innovation and constant pushing of boundaries is embedded in Tat Tvam Asi’s DNA, like dreadlocks that cannot be
undone. This is most evident in their exquisite coffees from Anaerobic Fermentation. Meticulous record-keeping of pressure, temperature and pH makes it feel like a Science Lab, and the resulting flavours re-define ‘Special’ in Speciality Coffee.

Aerobic Processes

Anaerobic Fermentation

We employ manual control and record-keeping, to develop human skill and understanding. This way we feel so connected to the coffees that it becomes an extension of ourselves. The desire for exceptional quality is embedded in each person’s DNA, and not treated as a separate function. With years of roasting coffee from a single farm, we have developed a deep understanding of the beans and guarantees consistency in the cup.

We have narrowed down the home equipment list to just 3: Pour Over for light roasts, Aeropress for medium to dark, and Moka Pot for milk. A fast thermometer is essential except for the Moka Pot. A good burr grinder comes second. That is all the equipment you’ll need to drink amazing coffees at home. To learn how to brew, check out our brew guides, or drop by at our café for an in-person workshop.